One of the great natural cholesterol fighters that doesn’t get the attention it deserves is bergamot. Well, it just got some attention!
Bergamot gets more attention for its flavouring role in Earl Grey tea than it does for its medicinal value as a cholesterol fighter.
Bergamot demonstrates impressive results, having been shown to lower total cholesterol by 24%, the heart harmful LDL cholesterol by 28% and triglycerides by 25%. It can also raise the heart healthy HDL cholesterol by 26%.
A recent meta-analysis combined the data of five studies of bergamot and cholesterol. It found that bergamot significantly lowers total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while significantly raising the good HDL cholesterol (Phytother Res. 2022 Dec;36(12):4409-4424).
Now, a new study adds to the evidence. This double-blind study included 50 people with moderately high cholesterol. Half were given a placebo, and half were given bergamot.
After 12 weeks, the people in the bergamot group had significant improvement in total cholesterol and in the heart healthy HDL cholesterol. Improvements in the heart harmful LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and apolipoprotein B were significantly greater than in the placebo group.
The authors say that the study “proved the hypo-lipidemic effect” of bergamot.
Phytother Res. September 2023;37(9):4185-4195.