This study shows, once again, that cranberry is an effective treatment for urinary tract infections. But this important study had a twist!
Up until now, much of the research on cranberry has been on recurrent UTIs. This new study looked at acute, single infections.
The 7 day, double-blind study gave either cranberry extract or the antibiotic fosfomycin to 170 people with UTIs.
At the end of the study, leukocyte counts in the two groups were identical, suggesting that the cranberry extract was equally effective at treating the UTI. But the number of people who said they were well or very well by day 3 and the number who were very well by day 7 were significantly higher in the cranberry group than in the antibiotic group, suggesting cranberry is even more effective.
This study suggests that cranberry is more effective than the antibiotic fosfomycin for treating UTIs.
Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2024;70(1):e20230799.